Online Donations
Making a donation online is quick, easy, and secure. We’ve partnered with CanadaHelps to provide a safe platform for one-time or recurring donations. Monetary donations of $25 or more are tax-deductible and help us directly fund programs that support food security, clothing, and other essential services.
Donation Guidelines
When donating to the Gleaners Society, it's important to follow the specific guidelines for each location, as the types of items accepted can differ.
By following these guidelines, you ensure your donations can best help our community!
Gleaners Donations
Gleaners primarily accepts clean, usable clothing, with a special need for children’s clothes, though we ask that no used underwear or soiled items be donated. Toys must also be in good condition. Most Needed: Children’s clothes (especially boys’ clothing). We accept All other clean, useable clothing. Items We Cannot Accept: Used underwear. Anything soiled. Special Guidelines for Toys: Toys should be in good condition. If it’s something you wouldn’t gift to friends or family, it’s likely not suitable for donation.
Gleaners Too Donations
For Gleaners Too, donations of household items are welcome, but furniture must be clean and free of rips or tears, and we cannot accept expired car seats, certain electronics, or medical devices
Food Bank Donations
At the Food Bank, we focus on shelf-stable food items like canned goods, rice, and pasta, as well as fresh produce, but we cannot accept home-canned or homemade goods.
Volunteer Your Time!
Donating your time is one of the most valuable ways to support the Gleaners Society and our community. Whether it’s sorting donations, assisting in one of our stores, or helping with food distribution at the Food Bank, your time and effort make a huge difference. Volunteers are the heart of our organization, and we’re always grateful for those willing to lend a hand. Join us and make a positive impact!